I believe in the limitless potential of every human being. In fact, I think humanity is hungry for your greatness regardless of what the voice in your head may be telling you.. 

I was raised in a moderately religious Episcopalian family. Which is to say we attend church most Sundays, I was an altar boy, etc. So, I was raised to believe we were all made in God’s image. How could anyone made in God’s image not have limitless potential, not have greatness within themselves? 

Slowly, over time, my belief system changed; the reasons are for another day. 

I came to believe instead that, because we are all made of the stuff of the stars (look it up if you don’t believe me, according to scientists, nearly all of the elements that make up the human body were made in stars). If that was true, think of what it took for you, me, everyone on the planet, to come into existence. Although I may no longer be a religious person, I am deeply spiritual. That deep spirituality leads me to the same conclusion: we all have limitless potential and have greatness within us. Because this is true, humanity as a whole not only wants you to be great, it is hungry for your greatness. (If you haven’t read my post on DIGNITY, this is follows naturally from my belief in the dignity of all people.)

To be clear, greatness has nothing to do with the amount of money you amass nor does it have to do with winning or losing. Greatness, as I define it, means living up to your individual potential in the truest sense of the word. It is being able to look in the mirror and, with brutal honesty, say you’ve reached, and done all you could to the best of your current ability and, if I’m being honest, even beyond that current ability. It means challenging yourself to grow, every day. It means being a bit uncomfortable because it is in that discomfort, that reaching, that growth occurs. 

There was a time, a few years ago, when I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself whether I was living up to my full potential and, with brutal honesty, I said “no.” That was the moment I decided I needed someone on the outside to challenge me in ways I couldn’t challenge myself. A person to help me see my blind spots and who also didn’t have a dog in the fight. A trained individual who would help me to not only cast a big vision (I’ve always been able to dream pretty big), but to then put the systems in place to achieve that big vision by evolving to become a new person. I hired my first coach and my world hasn’t been the same since. 

I challenge you to take that hard look in the mirror. I dare you to be brutally honest with yourself. Ask the question: “Am I living a life that is the fullest expression of all I am?”  If your answer makes you slump over and feel like you’ve been punched in the gut (either figuratively or literally), we should have a conversation about working together. Because working with me, a person who knows all about what it is like to have a lawyer brain, will make all the difference. You’ll unlock the platinum cage that keeps you thinking small. You’ll be able to move past that inner voice. You’ll care less about what others say is success and you’ll chart your own path, to your own successful law practice. You’ll amass wealth — legacy, impact, freedom, and energy — beyond your dreams. You’ll finally live up to your limitless potential. 

The work will be challenging and, so, it isn’t for everyone. In fact, the kind of work I do with clients is for a very select few. I work exclusively with lawyers who are accomplished seekers. These are leaders and/or professionals everyone thinks are successful but secretly feel like something is missing. They are actively seeking to reclaim their life, infuse purpose into their career, and live with more joy and intention. They are unique individuals who can be brutally honest with themselves and accept the fact that they need someone who help them level up. 

If you’d like to learn more about what a coaching relationship with me can mean to you, CLICK HERE to reserve a 30-minute appointment with me.