

I believe every human being has the absolute right to autonomy, to choose their own destiny. The thing is, autonomy isn’t self-executing. Put another way, ownership isn’t automatic. This belief came into stark relief for me in around 2010. 


If you’ve read my prior post about my belief in service, you know about my background. I’ve had three chapters of service in my adult life: Chapter 1 - Registered Respiratory Therapist; Chapter 2 - Lawyer; Chapter 3 - Coach for accomplished seekers.


Here’s the brutal truth. Up until about 2010, I was rudderless. I didn’t have a vision, a life plan, or anything big to draw me forward. Sure, I had made decisions in my life, but they weren’t strategic or meaningful.


Professionally, I became an Registered Respiratory Therapist and moved to San Diego; I decided to become an attorney and, through dedication and focus, did quite well in law school; I decided to move to Boise and accept a clerkship at the Idaho Court of Appeals; I decided to open a law firm in 2006 with two of my friends. Personally, I decided to marry my best friend Michelle; I decided to be a truly present parent to Allie. But, honestly, I didn’t have any plan; I didn’t have a north star. 


I was sitting along the Boise River watching the rafters float by on a hot summer’s day. Just another ordinary day up until that point. Then the image of a raft floating by jolted me. I sat bolt upright. My life was like one of those rafters, but without any paddles. I was at the whim and the will of the river of my life. I could wind up safely at the end of my journey, or I could wind up coming up short because I was pushed into the bank. I could experience the satisfaction of a completed trip, or I could be plunged into the strainers that dot the river and my life could be in jeopardy. My ultimate destination wasn’t up to me…it was up to the river! I realized then my autonomy wasn’t self-executing, that ownership over my life and my destiny was not automatic.


On that day I vowed to put both my oars in the water. I was an autonomous being with the ability to choose my own destiny, chart a path to achieving that future, and become a different person along the journey.


Ask yourself: “Do I have both oars in the water? Am I doing all I can to own my life; my destiny?” Working with me, you’ll learn what it means to really own your future; to design it; to be drawn to it; to achieve it. We’ll radically re-wire your mindset so that you get out of your own way when setting and achieving big things, the things you were put on the planet to achieve, re-define your legacy, and re-design your systems. We’ll reclaim your life so you experience an enhanced sense of meaning, and full and satisfying relationships. You’ll become the leader you were meant to be, a leader living with purpose and intention.


If you’d like to learn more about what a coaching relationship with me can mean to you, CLICK HERE to reserve a 30-minute appointment with me.