Think BIG: The hidden key to creating a meaningful, inspirational, vision.

As a human performance and leadership coach, I read, teach, and implement a visioning exercises for myself, my clients, and other lawyers. There is one common theme that arises again and again. The common denominator has me asking “why so small” when it comes to creating a vision. Before I get to that “thing,” let’s talk about what vision is (and is not) and why it is critical to your future, to your success, to your happiness.

Creating a vision for yourself (and your law practice) is a process of thinking of a time 10-20 years down the road and being specific about the life you want to be living, and the work you want to be doing at that time. I actually have my clients ignore the professional aspect at the start because, as lawyers, it is easy for them to become bogged down in the minutia and tasks. The nuts-and-bolts of what needs to be done to get “there.” When you’re doing your vision, that’s the absolute wrong thing to do. A vision is not a roadmap, it is a destination. It is only after it is created, should you begin to think about the “how.”

The key to creating a meaningful, inspirational, vision is: You must do it as your future self. This is a challenging thing to do; a difficult role to step into. It is easy to write a vision thinking of the knowledge, skills, and experiences we’ve had to-date; what we have when we’re thinking of, and writing our vision. It is this mindset that may keep a vision small at the beginning. It is why I push my clients, and myself, to think bigger, and bigger.

The key to creating a meaningful, inspirational, vision is to do it as your future self. If you don’t the vision won’t be big, you won’t live a life that is as impactful as it otherwise would be, and you’ll have regrets.

I despise regrets!

If you’d like to learn more about how I help my clients #breakthelaw by creating a vision and then a law practice that supports that vision, click here to schedule an appointment.

Create a vision that you think is ridiculous…then do the work of making that future come true. If you’d like someone standing beside you on that journey, schedule an appointment with me. Let’s make 2023 and beyond world-class.

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