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Master Your Energy, Not Your Time: A New Path to Productivity and Satisfaction

Stop managing your time, start managing your energy. Sounds counterintuitive, right? Perhaps a bit woo woo? Trust me, this is a game-changer.

We’ve all been fed the myth of time management. A billion-dollar industry thrives on the idea that if we could just manage our time, we’d be more productive, more successful. But let me ask you, have you ever had one of those days where you were constantly busy, yet accomplished nothing meaningful? I’ve been there. Whether it was from my years practicing law, and running a successful firm, or more recently as an author, entrepreneur, and coach, I know the feeling. The truth is simple: If you end the day feeling drained and unsatisfied, you haven’t mastered your energy. That’s where your real power lies.

Why Mastering Your Energy Matters

It’s not what you think. Time is finite—it marches on no matter what. You can’t manage time because time doesn’t care about your input; there’s no pause button on the clock. Seconds just pass, tick by tick. What you can manage is your energy, and that is where real transformation begins. 

I’m not the only one saying this. The idea of managing energy instead of time has been around for a while. Back in 2007, Harvard Business Review had articles about it, and just recently, I was at a presentation in Paris listening to a a coach who works with top-tier professional golfers. Guess what his key takeaway was? Energy is everything.

Why does this matter to you? It’s simple: Energy is renewable. Unlike time, which you can’t get more of, you can renew your energy daily. Imagine having more energy, focus, and passion at your disposal. What would that do for your productivity? Your satisfaction? Your success?

The Seven Levels of Energy

As an IPEC-certified coach, I use the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) to empower my clients to identify and master their energy. This assessment, recommended by Forbes for elite leaders, shows how your attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs affect your performance.

There are seven levels of energy, ranging from catabolic (stressful, destructive) to anabolic (constructive, creative). The lower levels, like Level 1 (victim energy) and Level 2 (anger), drain you. The higher levels, like Level 5 (reconciliation) and Level 6 (synthesis), energize and empower you. The key isn’t to label these levels as “good” or “bad.” It’s about understanding where you are and learning how to shift to more anabolic energy when needed.

Let me give you an example: I once coached a managing partner at a mid-sized law firm who struggled with a COO operating in a “victim” mentality (Level 1). Together, we devised a strategy to nudge the COO into a more empowered space, eventually leading to better performance and higher energy. Awareness is everything.

Practical Tips to Master Your Energy

How do you start mastering your energy? Here are a few practical tips:

  1. Be Intentional – At any moment, ask yourself, “Am I in catabolic (fight or flight) or anabolic (creative and strategic) energy?” Simply being aware of your energy state can help you shift to a more productive mindset.

  2. Daily Energy Check-ins – Each day, set your intention for how you want to show up, especially when under stress. At the end of the day, assess how you did. Did you let stress take over, or did you maintain your energy? This simple practice can change everything.

  3. Rest and Recovery – Olympic athletes know the value of rest. If they build it into their training, shouldn’t you? Rest and recovery are crucial to sustaining high energy levels over time.

  4. Set Boundaries – Without boundaries, you’ll constantly be drained. Say no when you need to, and protect your energy.

  5. Breathwork – This might sound “woo-woo,” but it’s scientifically proven to reset your biology and reduce stress. Take five minutes each day to practice deep breathing and notice how your energy shifts.

Time Management Is a Myth

There is one simple truth: Time management is a myth. Time doesn’t care about you. You can’t slow it down or speed it up. But you can manage your energy, and that is what will move you from burnout to breakthrough.

As lawyers, we’re taught to grind, to always be on. That’s not sustainable; nor does it lead to peak performance. To succeed long-term, you have to bring more energy to the hours you have, not try to cram more hours into the day. 

Close the Gap Between Knowledge and Action

Now that you have this knowledge, it’s time to act. Don’t let this just be another thing you read and forget. Here are three simple steps to take right now:

  1. Email me to schedule your Energy Leadership Index assessment and one-hour debrief. Let’s figure out your energy profile together.

  2. Create a daily energy assessment habit. Track your energy throughout the day and see where you can shift.

  3. Move from catabolic to anabolic energy with five minutes of deep breathing. You’ve got five minutes—use it!

If you want to learn more about how coaching with me can empower you to master your energy and take your practice to the next level, shoot me an email at or visit my website at to book a 30-minute discovery session.

My clients are the best attorneys in their field. They increase revenue, master their time and focus, and improve performance while enjoying more free time and suffering less burnout. You can too. Schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery session with me here, or send me an email.