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Forget New Year’s Resolutions…Reclaim Your Life!

As we approach the the turning of the year, many of us making resolutions to achieve big things in the new year. According to one study, approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by January 19, aka “Quitter’s Day.” I am not writing today about tips or tricks to stick with resolutions or ways to make it past Quitter’s Day. Instead, I’d like to shift your focus from setting and achieving small goals, which attorneys are very good at, to something larger, something that, if you set your sights on achieving it, will not only change your life in significant ways, but will also change the lives of your staff, your law firm, your family, and your community. If you want to think small, I get it. The question I have for you is: Where you put on this earth to play small, or to achieve truly great things?

First, statistics: According to a landmark 2016 study, 28% of the almost 13,000 lawyers surveyed suffered from depression, 19% suffered from anxiety, and 23% were stressed (Krill et al., 2016). The same study found between 21% and 36% of respondents qualified as “problem drinkers.” A more recent “Mental Health Survey” of 3,400 people in the legal industry, 40% of whom were partners, by and ALM Intelligence found lawyers experienced anxiety, depression, and isolation at a rate of 67%, 35%, and 44% respectively. With these statistics, it’s not possible for lawyers to achieve their full potential.

There are obvious knee-jerk reasons for these statistics. We’re all aware of the pressures of billable hour requirements, client demands, and the pressure of student loan debt. Unbelievably (or, perhaps, not) it has been reported a law firm recently sued two former associates claiming they were over paid because they did not bill a sufficient number of hours.

The more foundational reason underlying the statistics and, likely the lawsuit, is the fact many lawyers have lost the thread about what it means to live a life of meaning and impact, a life we are all entitled to live (yes, even associates at Big Law).

What is that life?

It is a where a person recognizes and exercises their natural birthright to live a life of independence, influence and wealth. It is a life that enriches your internal world with a sense of meaning, enhances your relationships and role as a leader, and ensures that you are living the purpose you are intended to live in your time on earth. It is a life where your full potential is where your full, limitless, limitless potential is realized and your life, as a lawyer and as a person, is optimized.

What would your life be like if you went from where you are today and reclaimed your life? What would be the impact on you, your clients, your law firm, your family, your community?

This year, don’t waste your time thinking small and resolving to exercise, get home at a reasonable hour, or eat better. Instead, vow to reclaim your life. Anything else is playing small.

Reclaiming your life is a big lift. Accomplishing challenging things is always easier with someone in your corner. I’d like to explore whether I’m that person for you, click here to schedule an exploration session with me.

I wish you and all those in your orbit a happy and healthy 2023.