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Case Study: A Shifted Mindset: What If It’s Possible?

A shifted mindset makes all the difference.

Let’s be 💯. When we don’t think something is achievable, it is virtually impossible to fully commit to the work necessary to achieve that thing. Once we shift from a “can’t be done” to “what if it’s possible” mindset, the possibilities we can imagine are virtually endless. Once we come to this understanding and, more importantly, are able to not only accept it, but lean fully into it, we create clarity of action our competition lacks. That means we’ll generate results, including a full marketing pipeline with high-quality prospects and a increase in revenue. A recent client success is proof-positive of this reality.

The Complicated Life of a Lawyer with Multiple Priorities.

A bit of background. My client “Daryl’s” primary motivation for working with me was to do all he could to hit his gross income target. (Yes, many attorneys work with me with this primary objective in mind.) Of course, “making your number” requires much more than you might believe. First and foremost, it requires focus, dedication, and clarity. 

One of the areas Daryl and I are focused on is leveraging networking opportunities to create relationships which will result in referred business. Daryl (and, likely you) know it is important to invest time in client creation which has a high potential for a return. After all, there are so many things calling for you to spend your time, time becomes the limiting factor. 

During a recent coaching session, Daryl committed to continuing investing his time in one of the organizations he believed, after a thorough analysis guided by me, would be a high-impact space for him to network. In response to my question about how dedicated he was to playing full out, and what that looked like for him from the perspective of goal setting, Daryl responded with a bit of a narrative in the middle of which he said something that caught my attention: “I will play full out … as much as I can.” Of course, after allowing Daryl to finish his narrative, I prompted: “You said something very interesting and a bit internally inconsistent and contradictory.” Because he’s worked with me for a bit, Daryl immediately recognized the phrase I was talking about. 

It was then Daryl shared his priorities: his significant other (who lives in another city), his children, and his legal work. Because his significant other is out of state, they travel between the two places. They have dedicated themselves to travel during days/times where it doesn’t interfere with their ability to perform their respective jobs at the highest level. He shared it was travel which led to qualifying his ability to play full out. 

A Life-Changing Mindset Shift: What If It Is Possible?

I get it, and I told him so. I am a BIG believer our law practice must support the life we want to lead. In other words, I’m a “work to live” not a “live to work” guy. I reminded Daryl of several things: First, his commitment to hitting his revenue target and his commitment to his significant other. Success in both would require Daryl to evolve. I asked: “How would you need to behave to achieve your relationship and revenue goal?” After working through the coaching process, he came to the conclusion he truly needed to “play full out” in the organization he identified, no ifs ands or buts.

As soon as he reached this conclusion, he immediately saw he could take certain steps to ensure he did, indeed, play full out in the space while ensuring he worked to live. The transformation was remarkable.

The Power of a World-Class Coach: Creating the Space for Growth and a Different Mindset

A wise person once told me: “It is impossible to see the ingredients of the box from the inside.” That’s exactly where Daryl was. He couldn’t see a way to play full out in a space he knows he must in order to achieve his revenue goal and maintain or even elevate his personal relationship. He couldn’t see the solution because he was inside the box. 

My clients are the best attorneys in their field. They increase revenue, master their time and focus, and improve performance while enjoying more free time and suffering less burnout. You can too. Schedule a complementary 30-minute discovery session with me here, or send me an email.